Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Pictures

The first two pics were done yesterday at 17 weeks. These are our favorites. It's always nice to see the little guy and hear his heartbeat. I'm starting to feel him move more and more each day. We'll go back to the doctor in three weeks for the "official" ultrasound.

This was our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. We joked that the baby's arms make him look like he has big ears. Everyone told us that this is one of the best early pics because you can clearly see his head, arms, and legs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We're having a BOY! Pictures to come soon.

I am 17 weeks along. The ultrasound tech said that she was pretty sure that we have a boy. But, we'll find out FOR SURE at the 20 week ultrasound.

Jim has been refinishing a dresser for the baby's room. He is almost finished. Also, pictures to come soon. We bought a crib (thanks Jami) last weekend. And, we're having a yard sale this weekend to get rid of some of the extra junk that has been hanging around our spare bedroom for the last couple of years. We're ready to paint the ceiling and hang the new ceiling fan in the baby's room. Pretty soon we'll be picking out the theme and paint colors. All of the fun is just beginning!